Saturday, October 23, 2010


buxton, me to new york city, ny.
when i was seventeen my mom, step-dad and i piled into the car and drove down to nyc, ostensibly to look at colleges i was considering. for me it was love at first sight. for my mom it was a whole new passel of dangers her daughter would face and a precursor to what i would put her through for years to come.
stupidly fearless is great for the girl, but hell for the people who care about her!

while i adored manhattan, it was brooklyn that won me over. all of that wonderful brick architecture was so welcoming and pratt institute had a campus, with a quad and trees and everything! i put everything i had into getting accepted to that school.

my first taste of the big apple included great food, subway adventures and culture, so much culture - the metropolitan museum of art, the frick, the guggenheim, moma, not to mention a gazillion galleries.

that trip introduced me to my first home away from home, a place that has always held some magic for me. while i could never call myself a new yorker, i only lived there for four and a half years, i've always felt like a part of me belongs there.

1 comment:

  1. I feel the same way (not an -er, but a part of me belongs there) about Iowa, where I went to college.
