Tuesday, December 21, 2010

hit the road, jack...

just four days until my odyssey begins and already there have been changes one couldn't foresee. my first stop was going to be cancun - i was going to visit the mayan temple, chichen itza, before catching a flight to the island that shall remain nameless, a friend went last week and informed me that no tickets were available until mid to late january. shoot.
so i've just purchased a ticket to jamaica instead. from there i will see if it is possible to get to the island, but i am not going to do anything crazy to make it happen. if it doesn't work out, i will head to guyana and see about busing my way to rio where i will meet up with my friend v, an intrepid adventurer who is game for trying out my fly-by-the-seat-of-my-pants travel style.
i had hoped to be all caught up on old adventures before i began writing about this one, but it seems that is no where near happening. life has a way of forcing you away from the stuff you want to do and making you do the things you'd rather not.
so i warn you now, there will be some going backwards and forwards and to help keep it clear, i will try to toss in a year now and then, as well as keep all current posts titled in lower case and old adventures in capitals.
hope you will stick with me!
"the monkey who stole christmas"
and between now and the next post, let me wish you all a very merry holiday!

pilfered tidings is one of my collage cards, available through my website, www.5036.com

1 comment:

  1. Hey Lecia
    I've signed on and am looking forward to reading your continuing adventures.
    Stay safe and have a happy new year.
